Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 Class Family page

It is an exciting year which is jam packed full of experiences and opportunities.

We will be working hard throughout the year to ensure that you are ready for secondary school. At times, you will need the determination to work hard and focus, pushing yourself to meet your own goals, but you will also have a lot of fun along the way as we find out more about ourselves and our ambitions for the future. This is your last year at Silverdale, so make the most of every moment!   


The 2023 KS2 tests (also known as SATs) will take place in the week commencing 8th May 2023. The tests will take place over four days.  

Children in Year 6 will take these tests in their normal school classrooms. SATs papers will be taken in Maths, Reading and GPS under formal exam conditions. These papers will be marked externally whilst separate teacher assessments in Writing and Science will be marked by their teachers. 

Entry and exit

Children will enter the school premises through the green gate on the left-hand side of the school. The children will walk through the playgrounds to the double doors.  

At the end of the day, the children will be walked to the front of the school premises by a member of staff to meet their parents/carers or walk home, if they have signed the consent letter.  

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