

At Silverdale Primary Academy we believe that attendance is an important factor in the success of a child’s education. To ensure children thrive at school and make the most of their education, it is vital that they not only attend on a daily basis, but also arrive and leave school on time. It is equally important, however, that children are not in school if they are unwell and unable to participate in daily learning.

Informing the school about your child's absence

In cases of illness or exceptional circumstances relating to non-attendance, parents are asked to phone the school before 10am on the first day of absence.

If parents are unable to call the school, they should send a note as soon as possible (ideally, on the child’s first day back) detailing the nature of the absence.

We encourage parents not to arrange medical appointments during the school day. If, however, it is necessary to take your child out of school during the day, parents should send a note to their child’s teacher in advance, informing them of the nature of the absence and when it will be taken.

Requests for leave of absence

We strongly discourage parents from taking their child out of school during term time. If a parent wishes to take their child out of school during term, they should complete a request in writing or email the school office.

Recognising good attendance

Each child’s individual attendance is monitored. We write to parents on a half termly basis with their child’s attendance for the half term and how this compares to the school’s own attendance target.

Once a week, the attendance records of each class are celebrated during a Celebration Assembly. The class with the best attendance are awarded an Attendance Cup.


At Silverdale, we actively encourage all children to arrive at school on time and we work in partnership with parents to ensure this. If a parent is aware that their child is going to be late, then we ask that they follow the procedure below:

  • Ring the school as soon as possible so that the child’s class teacher can be informed and prepare for the late arrival of the child;
  • On arrival at the school, bring their child to the school office to sign the Late Registration Book and provide a reason for lateness.

Please click here to view our Attendence Expectations

Please click here to view our complete Attendance Policy.

Attendance Newsletter Jan 2024

Is my child too ill for school

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