What is PSHE?
As a subject, PSHE aims to provide children with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves happy, healthy and safe, as well as to prepare them for life and work. PSHE aims to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives.
At Silverdale Primary Academy, our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum is designed to teach children to become responsible, healthy, respectful, contributing, aspirational moral members of British society. Children’s personal and social development is interlinked in all areas of school life.
Our curriculum intent sets out the school’s vision to develop the whole child and their individual talents and teach them the skills they need to become active and economically self-sufficient citizens.
Our curriculum teaches children essential skills for life such as cooperation, teamwork, resilience as well as respect for others and the environment.
Delivering ‘education with character’ is at the foundation of all we do. Children are encouraged to develop new talents and qualities unique to them and to express themselves clearly and articulately. We believe that it is vital to facilitate our children to develop the values and skills they will need to become compassionate and driven leaders of the future. Our curriculum is designed to give children core knowledge and understanding of where they are from but also of where they could go.
Our PSHE curriculum is designed so that when children leave Silverdale Primary Academy, they do so with the knowledge, understanding and emotions to be able to play an active role in today’s society. We want our children to have high aspirations, self belief and the confidence to make the correct choices.
We will teach children about equality, diversity and what healthy relationships look like and what this means for our society and how to keep safe. By teaching children, the importance of British Values, we will be teaching them to become independent and responsible members of our school, the local community and wider society.
When children join us in Early Years the focus will be on their personal development which is tracked through the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework strands of self-regulation, managing self, and building relationships with others. Our children are provided with many opportunities to develop themselves and their characters as PSHE is an underlying theme in all areas of their everyday curriculum. By the end of the foundation stage our children will be able to show sensitivity to their own and others needs, manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others and they will have begun to regulate their own behaviour accordingly in preparation for KS1.
From Year 1 though to year 6, the curriculum we follow was developed by Entrust, adapted for our school, and the needs of our pupils. Our curriculum is divided up into year groups with six vertical concepts that are covered throughout school.
The six topics are:-
- Me and my School
- Me and my Relationships
- Happy and Healthy Me
- Me and my Safety
- Me and Other People
- Me in the World
Some topics, although not statutory requirements are still taught at Silverdale Primary Academy as we believe it is good practice to teach these, and will support children’s personal development. A range of additional lessons have been included, such as water safety in the local area, due to recent deaths in local open waters, Domestic Violence, lessons on County lines, basic first aid skills, radicalisation and extremism.
Through weekly assemblies children learn about the achievements and life stories of inspirational people from Britain and the wider world, giving them opportunities to see what is possible and to learn that with hard work and determination, dreams can be achieved.
Relationships and Sex Education is vital to enable our children to learn about their body, adolescence and healthy relationships. Our school has consulted with parents and teaches this through Science lessons, as well as through the PSHE strands. We take sexual harassment and sexual violence very seriously and believe that we must teach the children how to keep safe and treat each other with respect. Therefore, this is planned for within the PSHE curriculum.
Parent Consultation - Relationship & Sex Education - Silverdale Primary Academy
Children will have the ability to be reflective about their own beliefs (religious or otherwise) and perspective on life. They have knowledge of, and respect for, different people’s faiths, feelings and values. They have a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them.
Children are able to recognise the difference between right and wrong and are able to apply this understanding in their own lives. They have respect for the law of England, a strong understanding of right and wrong and can reflect on the consequences of their behaviour and actions.
Children are confident working and socialising with other pupils, including those from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. They value what we have in common, as well as what makes us different. They have a genuine willingness to participate in a variety of community events through volunteering, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively.
Our PSHE curriculum is also planned in a way which promotes the cultural capital of all our children. We enhance our curriculum especially for the most disadvantaged by organising guest speakers and visitors and by organising and celebrating key occasions that promote children’s emotional, social and metal wellbeing. In addition, We are delighted to announce that Silverdale Primary Academy have recently been awarded the ways to wellbeing award.
We have demonstrated a commitment to the health and wellbeing of pupils, staff and the wider community.