Data Protection

Data protection

Pupil and Parent Privacy notice for Silverdale Primary Academy, a United Learning Trust Academy

This notice is intended to provide information about how the Academy will use or “process” personal data about individuals including current, past and prospective pupils and their parents, carers or guardians (referred to in this notice as “parents”).

Responsibility for data protection

The data controller for personal information held by Silverdale Primary Academy is United Learning Trust (ULT).  ULT is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The registration number is Z7415170.

The Company Secretary, Alison Hussain, is responsible for ensuring that ULT complies with the Data Protection Law.  She can be contacted on or 01832 864538.

Lindi Nejrup is responsible for ensuring that the Academy complies with ULT’s policies and procedures in relation to Data Protection.  They can be contacted on 01782 973780

Rights of the Data Subject

Data protection legislation gives individuals certain rights which are detailed below.  If you wish to exercise these rights please contact Lindi Nejrup.

Right of access to personal data “subject access request”

You have the right to access the personal data that the school holds about you.  Requests need to be made in writing.  If your child is over the age of 12 they will also need to sign the request.  We take the security of personal data seriously so we may ask you for proof of identity to verify that you are entitled to the information requested. 

Right to withdraw consent

Where we have obtained your consent to specific processing activities you may withdraw this consent at any time. 

Right to rectification

You have the right to have the personal data that we hold about you rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete. We will respond to such requests within one month.

Right to erasure

You have the right to have personal data erased in certain specific circumstances.  If you make such a request we will consider whether the right to erasure applies and give you a full and reasoned response. 

Right to restrict processing

In certain circumstances you have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data.  If you make such a request we will consider whether the right to restrict processing applies and give you a full and reasoned response.

For further information regarding your rights please refer to our rights of the data subject policy.

If you disagree with a decision that we have taken regarding the processing of your personal data please contact UlT’s Company Secretary, Steve Whiffen, on 01832 864538 or

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or .

Data Retention Periods

The pupil’s educational record will move with the pupil to their next school.  Where the School is the last school that the pupil attends the records will be kept until the pupil is 25 years old.

Admissions information will be retained for 6 years.

Information relating to financial transactions will be kept for 7 years.

For further information on how long we keep personal data for please refer to our records retention schedule which can be obtained on request from the school’s GDPR lead – Mrs Lindi Nejrup

The Legal Basis For The Processing of Pupil and Parent Data

The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller and where necessary to comply with our legal obligations.

Information relating to racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs or health (point 3) will only be processed with the explicit consent of the pupil or the pupil’s parents or when it is necessary for carrying out our legislative obligations. Further information regarding the purposes for which these data would be processed will be provided with the data collection form.

The Categories of Personal Data Held About Pupils

The types of personal data processed by the school will include:

1. Names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and other contact details.

2. Academic records and national curriculum assessment results, including examination scripts and marks.

3. Personal characteristics such as your ethnic group, religious beliefs, any special educational needs you may have and any relevant medical information.

4. Attendance information, behavioural records, any exclusion information.

5. Information provided by previous educational establishments and or other professionals or organisations working with pupils.

6. Where pupils go after they leave the Academy.

7. Still and moving images, captured through video and photography and through the Academy's CCTV system (in accordance with the Academy's policy on taking, storing and using images of children).

The Purposes For Which We Process Pupil and Parent Personal Data

Silverdale Primary Academy and United Learning Trust collect, create and hold personal information relating to our pupils and may also receive information about them from their previous school, local authority and/or the Department for Education (DfE).  We also collect and hold personal information about our pupil’s parents and carers.  We use this personal data to:

•  Provide education services (including SEN), career services and extra-curricular activities to pupils; monitor pupils’ progress and educational needs;

•  To safeguard pupils’ welfare and provide appropriate pastoral (and where necessary, medical) care.

•  To enable pupils to take part in national or other assessments, and to publish the results of public examinations or other achievements of pupils at the school.

•  To maintain relationships with alumni and the school community.

•  For the purposes of management planning and forecasting, research and statistical analysis and to enable ULT to monitor the Academy’s performance.

•  To monitor use of the Academy’s IT systems in accordance with the school’s Acceptable Use Policy.

•  To receive information about current and prospective pupils from any educational institution that they attended.

•  To confirm the identity of prospective pupils and their parents.

•  To make use of images of pupils in print and digital communications, and for promotion and marketing, in accordance with Silverdale Primary Academy's policy on taking, storing and using images of children.

•  To create invoices and process payments for services such as school meals, school trips etc.

•  For security purposes, and for regulatory and legal purposes (for example child protection and health and safety) and to comply with its legal obligations.

•  To receive reports from any organisation that may be working with your child.

•  Where otherwise reasonably necessary for the school’s purposes, including to obtain appropriate professional advice and insurance for the Academy.

•  To keep you updated about the activities of the Academy including by sending updates and newsletters by email and post.

•  To organise trips and visits both in the UK and abroad.

Data Security

United Learning Trust has in place technical and organisational measures that ensure a level of security appropriate to the sensitive nature of the personal data that we process.  For further information regarding how we keep personal data secure please refer to our privacy notices for pupils and parents/carers.

Data Processors

We use third party data processors to provide us with a management information system, accounts software, cloud storage services, apps and software for use in the classroom and to facilitate the secure transfer of data between the school and central office.  This use of data processors will only take place if is in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

Decisions on whether we contract with these third party processors are subject to a robust approval process and are based on a detailed assessment of the purpose for which the data processing is required, the level and sensitivity of data involved and the arrangements in place to store and handle the data. To be granted access to pupil level data, data processors must comply with strict terms and conditions covering the confidentiality and handling of data, security arrangements and retention and use of the data.

We currently use the following data processors:

  • Academy Photographers
  • Arbor
  • Bedrock
  • Bug Club
  • Class Dojo
  • Compass/Chartwells
  • DfE Secure Access
  • Edurio
  • Facebook
  • Fischer Family Trust
  • HCSS Budget
  • iTrent
  • Medigold
  • Midland Partnership Foundation Trust
  • Office 365
  • Parentmail
  • Parentpay
  • Renaissance Learning
  • Rising Stars
  • Schoolcloud
  • Shredpro
  • Tapestry
  • TT Rockstars
  • Twitter
  • VIP
Sharing Data with Third Parties (other data controllers)


We will provide references to any other educational institution that the pupil proposes to attend and to potential employers of past and present pupils.

School Inspections

On request we will share academic records with inspectors from Ofsted.

Department for Education

We are required, by law, to pass some information about our pupils to the Department for Education (DfE). This information will, in turn, then be made available for use by the Local Authority.

DfE may also share pupil level personal data that we supply to them, with third parties. This will only take place where legislation allows it to do so and it is in compliance with the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 (and any subsequent legislation related to data protection in applicable jurisdictions).

Decisions on whether DfE releases this personal data to third parties are subject to a robust approval process and are based on a detailed assessment of who is requesting the data, the purpose for which it is required, the level and sensitivity of data requested and the arrangements in place to store and handle the data. To be granted access to pupil level data, requestors must comply with strict terms and conditions covering the confidentiality and handling of data, security arrangements and retention and use of the data.

For more information on how this sharing process works, please visit:

For information on which third party organisations (and for which project) pupil level data has been provided to, please visit:

If you need more information about how our local authority and/or DfE collect and use your information, please visit:

  • our local authority at


We will not give information about our pupils to any other third parties without your consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so.

From time to time we may participate in research or projects involving other data controllers.  Project specific privacy notices will be created.

How we use your personal data

Who is United Learning

Your school is part of a group of schools called United Learning.

What is this document about?

  • This is letting you know why, where, when and how United Learning use data about you as a
  • The person in charge of this for United Learning is called the Data Protection
  • Speak to a teacher, or an adult, that you know from your school if you want to know more about that person and what they do or if you would like to ask them a question.

What sort of data do we keep?

  • Your name and how we get in touch with your parents, guardians or carers.
  • Your pupil number
  • Your home address, phone numbers and email addresses
  • Photographs or videos of you
  • Things that help us to help you:
    • The country where you were born
    • Your nationality
    • The language that you use
    • The culture and religion that you share with your family
    • If you have free or paid school meals
    • How often you are in school and if you are away a lot of the time
    • If you need to take any medicines or must not eat or touch some things
    • If you get or need any extra help with things
    • Any trouble you have been in and what happened about it.       

We need to use your data to:

  • Help you to learn
  • Make sure you are getting on as well as you can
  • Keep you and your friends safe in school
  • Make sure we are doing a good job in teaching you
  • Help people learn more about your school

It’s the law

  • There is a law called ‘The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)’ that means United Learning can only use your data in ways that you know
  • We can use your personal data because we are educating you, which means that we are carrying out a task that is in the public interest.
  • We might use images of you to help people learn about your school or United Learning. We will ask for your parents’ or carer’s permission before we do, and we will ask if you are happy to be included each time we take photographs or videos.

How long do we keep your data?

  • United Learning has rules about how long we will keep
  • These rules make sure that data is there so that, when you go to other schools, United Learning can give real data to you or other people who need see
  • United Learning’s rules make sure that your data is as safe as it can
  • United Learning can only keep your data for as long as it may be needed

Who can see your data?

Your data is only shared with other people who need to see it. We will share your data with:

  • People within United Learning
  • Schools or Academies that you go to after this one
  • People in charge of schools in your part of the country
  • People in the UK Government
  • Hospitals and doctors if you need help
  • People who help us to teach or look after you, but you will know who they are and what data they can
  • We use your information to give you access to websites and learning apps that will help you to learn better

Why do we share your data?

  • UK law says we must share your data with the UK Government
  • It is used by UK Government to work out how much money United Learning needs to run academies
  • Make sure we are teaching you the right things at the right time
  • Keep track of what United Learning is doing all around the country in all the academies

You and your personal data

  • If you think that you need to see the data that United Learning is keeping about you, speak to a teacher or an adult that you know at school.
  • They will help you to find out what you need to do to see your personal
United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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United Learning